Want a free flight for completing a simple and mundane car rental? Sold. You’re in the money. Avis has launched a ridiculously generous promotion with Avios, allowing car renters all over Europe to score enough points for a short haul round trip flight, for rentals as cheap as €46 euros. That’s something to get very excited about…

The Deal

The price of your rental may vary, but our friends Hernan Van Norden and YHBU have found truly fantastic rates in many cities across Europe and the UK, starting at just €46 for the entire rental. In general, you need a three day weekend rental between November 1st and December 14th. Any rental of three days starting on a Saturday will earn 9,000 Avios. That’s pretty unbeatable, even if for a little hassle. Full terms and conditions (which you should read) can be found here.


The full details on how to book are better directly from Avis. To book and earn the points, you’ll basically need to book Iberia.com, Avisiberia.es or the Avis call center. You will get Iberia Avios for the promotion, which you can then transfer directly to British Airways Avios at a 1:1 ratio with ease.

Is It Worth It?

We’re not going to lie, we’ll pass on this one, but only because we’re lazy and will be out of Europe for the duration of the promotion. If you live near an Avis rental center, can find a great rate, and don’t mind doing a loop around the block – or better yet, actually need a rental car, this is fantastic. A free flight, or miles that are valuable for upgrades or a future fancy free flight, for just one rental is tough to argue with. Enjoy!

HT: UltimaIIamada & YHBU


Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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