Pictured left to right: Aer Lingus Cabin crew member Grainne O’Callaghan, Captain Colette Evans and Cabin crew member Katie Quinn. Aer Lingus has today announced the introduction of a new customised mood lighting system to its fleet of aircraft. Aer Lingus has partnered with Cobalt Aerospace to deliver the best-in-class LED cabin lighting which features carefully-curated lighting settings to minimise the effects of jet-lag and to maximise the well-being of passengers through each phase of their flight.

While there is no “cure” for jet lag, conclusive research suggests that there are things you do to make it suck just a little bit less. One involves fasting for 14 hours, so that one is out, but the other one can actually happen without you needing to do anything. Aer Lingus is the latest airline to install special light systems on board, which are programmed to help you sleep, and ease you into your next time zone.

Pictured left to right: Aer Lingus Cabin crew member Grainne O’Callaghan, Captain Colette Evans and Cabin crew member Katie Quinn. Aer Lingus has today announced the introduction of a new customised mood lighting system to its fleet of aircraft. Aer Lingus has partnered with Cobalt Aerospace to deliver the best-in-class LED cabin lighting which features carefully-curated lighting settings to minimise the effects of jet-lag and to maximise the well-being of passengers through each phase of their flight.LED Lights For Each Time Of Day

Aer Lingus has installed state of the art Cobalt Aerospace LED lights in A330, A320 and other aircraft. These lighting displays are designed to stimulate behaviour from passengers, and although it may sound a bit “out there”, science suggests it really works.

As you cross the Atlantic into tomorrow an orange hue will sweep across the cabin slowly adjusting your body to the “new” morning. When it’s time to relax and fall asleep, a calming lavender colour helps to relax passengers into sleep.  Here’s the story on each shade…

When And Where To Find The Aer Lingus Mood Lighting

So far, 25 Aer Lingus aircraft have been retrofitted with the new mood lighting and more are being added with each maintenance check. Additional roll out of in flight wifi for Airbus A330 long haul planes is also being done simultaneously.

If you’re a light sleeper, or struggle to sleep at all on planes, this advanced new lighting system should definitely help. Even if it doesn’t get you to sleep, it makes the plane interior look brand spanking new, and that might be relaxing for some nervous flyers. Either way, it’s great news for passengers.

Aer Lingus announced massive transatlantic expansion earlier this year and it will be interesting to see what 2019 brings as the airline undergoes one of its most radical transformations in history, including a new livery.

The airline has become more closely aligned with the Avios loyalty program in recent months and rumours are taking flight regarding a possible move for Aer Lingus to become a Oneworld connect airline. After the shock collapse of WOW Air, competition across the Atlantic is definitely heating up, or cooling down… depending on the mood lighting.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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