The internet is many things, but one thing it absolutely most definitely is not, is short on creativity. For better or worse. Rather than allow the beautiful tweets, rants, raves, youtube videos and other shareable media to disappear into cloud heaven, Airbus has decided to hone social media feedback from airline passengers and viral airplane cabin stories into it’s brand new design “Airspace”. Yes, if you’ve ever complained to, or complimented an airline, or speculated on the future of air travel, you’ve probably played a part in designing this new cabin…

Customizable Entrance

Passengers identify with branding. More than ever, we care about the seat, the colors and the experience. With that in mind Airbus has created entirely customizable entry spaces, with light shows which can reflect brand colors.

Though these colors may be better suited for a champagne brand than an airline, you get the gist…

In Business Class

Airbus figured out what business class passengers care about most, from the direct aisle access to the ever so dreamy flat bed, and broadband connectivity for you know, work. With that in mind, they set out to create “Airspace” the new design with an increased feeling of space, comfort and inspiration, going to great length to make broadband a part of every seat; while also widening aisles and seat width, thanks to more vertically designed walls. 

Call me crazy, but that does indeed look very spacious. My major positive impression is the upright seat pitch. If you’ve ever flown business class, you know that for take off and landing, minus the legroom, the seat is no more comfortable than economy, yet with these new designs, passengers could enjoy a more natural slumber, giving it a real feeling of exclusivity.

With more vertical space, the eternal battle for overhead bins becomes less of a battle. You’ll find increased bin space, further away from your head. Look how easily those rollers fit in…

Thanks to a higher curvature point in the walls, every seat enjoys some extra breathing room, not to mention larger windows…

In Economy

Passengers complain most about legroom, width and in flight entertainment. Though at first glance, this looks like any economy seat, if you look closely, you’ll see increased space where your feet, legs and knees may wish to go thanks to the removal of clunky video system boxes under the seat. Oh, and yes, that’s a fourth generation entertainment screen, which allows you to wirelessly connect your own personal electronics while also charging! Broadband!

The A350 cabin, seen above, is where things really take off. These renderings reflect the most vertical side walls in the sky allowing for wider seats, wider aisles and more general comfort. Though airlines can choose to go their own way, Airbus is recommending a minimum 18” width for the economy seat, positioning it at the very best in the market…

Though the picture doesn’t quite sell the glory of roughly 30% more space in the lavatory, that’s what passengers can expect on the A330Neo and A350, offering extra large lavatories, theoretically with enough space to turn around without stepping in the bowl. Let’s hope…

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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