You may have noticed that flying economy is not nearly as rewarding as it used to be. That’s because almost all airlines now calculate how many miles to give you based on the money you spent, rather than the miles flown, and if they don’t, they only give you a small fraction of the actual miles you’ve flown. That hardly seems fair, especially as seats get smaller.

In Case You’re Already Confused About This Points On Partner Airlines Thing…

You don’t have to earn miles from the airline you’re flying. Airlines have many partners, and if you enjoy collecting miles with a partner of the airline you’re actually flying, you can enter your loyalty number for that partner airline, rather than the airline you’re presently flying. This is a great way to earn miles in one place, while flying many airlines (and saving on prices).

Alaska Airlines Has 10 World Class Airline Partners, And If You Fly Them And Enter Your Alaska Frequent Flyer Number, You’ll Earn 2X Points…

If you have an international economy flight coming up between June 1st to September 30th, with British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, Fiji Airways, Hainan Airlines, Icelandair, Japan Airlines, Korean Air, LAN or Qantas, you’ll earn 2X points on select routes. You can check out which route are eligible here. You’ll need to register here and enter your Alaska Mileage Plan frequent flyer number when booking, or add it to the booking. You’ll earn a whopping 2X miles, which on these routes is incredible.

And Here’s Why You May Really Benefit From This…

Alaska miles are extremely valuable, and on the whole-they award more miles for the same flights than the airline actually flying it. Basically, even if you’re flying Qantas, and generally collect Qantas miles, you’d likely earn a lot more Alaska miles if you input your Alaska frequent flyer number for the journey. Since you can then use those Alaska miles at exceptional rates on any of the airlines mentioned above, like 70,000 miles for a one way first class ticket between the US and Australia, this is a super deal. Enjoy!

HT: ViewFromTheWing

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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1 Comment

  1. hi there
    the site is really interesting but of little use to anyone living in Australia. Except for the information about using a partner airline. This I found confusing and would love to know more
    thank you

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