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Do you need a flat bed on a four hour flight? No, you don’t. Is it nice though? Yeah, it really is, and when it’s basically the same price as sitting in the back with no baggage allowance, no bubbles or priority boarding, why not indulge? Swiss, Lufthansa, and Austrian have launched an absurdly cheap sale to Tel Aviv, which brings flat beds in business class for under £500 round trip.

The Business Class Deals To Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is like Santa Monica in the Middle East, with arguably better food. It’s beautiful, it’s warm and it’s buzzing. If you live in Paris, or find using a few points or a cheap flight to get there reasonable, the flight deals are staggering. You can fly Swiss Airbus A330 Business Class with flat beds for just £425 which is only $550USD.

If London is more convenient, that’s available for £685 round trip, with just one stop and Barcelona is also available around £500. Lufthansa and Austrian are also available, but neither offer a wide body jet with flat beds on the Tel Aviv Route.

The Dates You Can Travel To Israel

Unlike most flight deals, this one is what you’d call “wide open”. You can jet off basically any day from November 20th 2019 through the end of February 2020, and then again in most of March, late April, virtually all of May and June as well.

The lowest prices require just a two night stay in Tel Aviv, but longer is fine too. Basically, you could leave on Friday and come back Sunday night, no problem at all.

How To Book These Business Class Deals

Some deals are a pain to find, or book, but these are not. You can book these deals directly with Swiss, or using your favourite online travel agency, like Skyscanner. We’ve made easy to use links which take you directly to the best deals from each city, like…

Here’s a 48 hour guide to Tel Aviv, with tips on the best hotels, hottest restaurants, coolest bars and just about everything else you could need to have an amazing time. Enjoy the trip!

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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1 Comment

  1. I cant really see the Barcelona one as a deal… At least from Madrid you have many dates at that or similar price with Iberia (and it is flat bed too). A quick search shows £550 in multiple dates.

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