Following on the heels of a record month in visitor traffic, we’re excited to announce the first annual GSTP Awards in fall 2019. We want to take the “boring” out of airline and hotel awards, and add a bit of the flare we love to sprinkle into our articles into something that traditionally makes people yawn. To do so, we’ve hired a few experts from recent successful shows, and we couldn’t be more excited to invite you along into the process, as we unveil the event in London this fall.

When And Where

The first ever GSTP Awards will be held in London at acclaimed restaurant, arts and entertainment space “The Shed” on October 1st, 2019. We’ll have a very limited number of tickets available to the general public, but there will be a special presale for GSTP readers, which will only be sent out to those on the mailing list. To keep things fair, the code will expire that same day.

Changing The Awards Game

Most award shows are boring from the start. Either the public votes, or a team of industry insiders have a pow wow and decide on a winner, based on set metrics which are always hard to understand.

We want to iterate here and follow on the heels of other successful shows by changing that. To do so, we’ve come up with a proprietary system which lets you feel as if you’re part of the selection process for each award, the entire time.

Proprietary Awards System With Public Vote

We’re going to open up voting to the public on each category, but it won’t entirely decide who wins. We’ll then bring in noted analysts in each field of hotel, airline and travel to help decide on the best metric for who the winner should be, and why. We’ll make that data publicly available to help you understand that thought process.

After that, we’ll add one X-factor, which will slightly outrank both the public vote and our assembled team of leading industry analysts and contribute the largest factor to the overall successful winning campaign.

If you know our style, it’s exactly what you were hoping for.

Whichever brand puts the largest sum towards our party will be guaranteed a win, even if it goes entirely against what you the readers and our assembled team of experts find in consensus. In the words of the great Wu-Tang Clan, who now have a district in Staten Island named after them “Cash Rules Everything Around Me”. I’d add a personal note, and also wins meaningless trophies too.

There will be 5 possible awards to be won by a hotel based on portfolio, loyalty program, guest satisfaction, innovation and technology implementation. The same will apply to airlines, with only slight variations.

Whichever airline puts up the most funding for our opulent party will be guaranteed two awards of their choice. Whichever hotel puts up the most funding will also be guaranteed two awards of their choice. If a hotel wants to win an airline award, that’s fine, they’ll just need to pay a caviar supplement. If an airline wants to win a best hotelier award, they’ll need to fund a bespoke suit with the product image of their choice from Saville row.

April fools, ya filthy animals : )

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. Haha! As I was reading this I thought it sounded like everything you despise about certain competitors and was waiting for the punch line. Good one!

  2. I knew it was going to be at The Shed before I even started reading 🙂

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