File under: don’t try this at home, or in your official government quarantine hotel.

With countries acting unilaterally and borders closing without advance notice, even the best laid plans to #stayhome, or rather get home, have been thrown a spanner. The Australian borders has been closed to short term visitors for over a week, yet over 1,000 Australian travelers per day are returning to mandatory quarantine.

To help keep things orderly, the Australian Government is utilizing hotels in Sydney as a quarantine location, and one genius tried to get some MDMA delivered to spice up the experience…

At the five star Sheraton Grand in Sydney’s Hyde Park, it was all quiet. As an official quarantine response zone, police stoically stood guard out front the hotel, and those on quarantine lockdown were allowed to order delivery once per day from Uber Eats and other providers, keeping the take out economy in business.

But for one traveler a good Asian noodle dish, pasta or some chicken wings just wouldn’t cut it. Facing 14 days of staring at four walls, one traveler attempted to have MDMA delivered, clearly by someone lacking discretion.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a man appeared at the hotel door with a fruit basket to be left at the door of a quarantined travel, which seemed highly suspicious. Where’s the Pad See Ew? Police searched the “fruit basket”, which did indeed at least offer some nutrition, and quickly found MDMA. A psychedelic drug typically associated with raves.

The delivery man was also found to be in possession of cocaine, and was promptly arrested. In a bizarre streak of ‘good’ luck for the quarantined traveler, no further arrests were made after a talking to from police.

Yes, the guy who was delivering drugs is behind bars, but the genius who ordered said drugs is still in his five star hotel room figuring out how to spice up his life. How that makes sense is for another blog, for another day..

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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