There are services, websites and apps that make booking and traveling easier. Thank the heavens, because they aren’t making it easy these days. Searching for awards is one of the most painful exercises under the sun. I can’t think of anyone who gets enjoyment out of clicking date by date, airline by airline hoping to find a flight that fits within their parameters only to come up with the big donut at the end. 

I love, It doesn’t work for every airline but if you have miles with British Airways, Air Canada, Qantas, Air France, Virgin Atlantic or ANA it’s super. The best part: if you have miles with a few of those carriers, you can search them all at once, seven days at a time. I truly love when readers get in touch about using miles because I love sticking it to the man much more than I hate helping people. Maximizing miles is sticking it to the man because it costs them more than they expect it to. 

To search on Award Nexus, you register for free (after joining for free) and instantly have access to their powerful award search engine. By being able to search +7 days in each direction on multiple carriers and currencies, while also combining cabins, you save an incredible amount of time and get to see every potential outcome, routing and mileage option. 

Give it a whirl, it’s an amazing feeling logging on to your airline’s website or (god forbid) calling only to tell the unhelpful agent that you in fact know exactly what you would like to book and are quite sure it’s available. 

As Always, Get in Touch:

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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