Designs are serious business, but since most of them never get made and some of them are absolutely shocking, talking trash about them is purely fun. This year, about once a month, another seat or plane manufacturer would patent a new idea to “revolutionize” the passenger experience, for far better or…. just cover your eyes. 

The Best

B/E Aerospace Breakout 

B/E came out with by far my favorite design of the year with its business or first seat of the future. The key element is that it’s transformable, allowing the space to function as an office, a DJ booth, a luxurious dining room, or a full sized bed. I really believe that this is the future hybrid of functionality and luxury. The Youtube video explains everything…

Thompson Cozy Suite

In my somewhat humble opinion, the Cozy Suite from Thompson Aero is the most practical and realistic seat not currently installed on an airplane, despite many airlines considering it. Think about the problems it solves: a cozy place to put your head for sleep, easier access to the aisle with the staggered seating, seat bottoms that can fold up, and most importantly, increased privacy. We no longer need to stare each other down and we each get an armrest.

The Worst

Airbus Bicycle Seats

Good Lord, where do I start. I don’t care if there’s a market for it, an airplane is not a commuter bus. I don’t line up, strip down and wait around at the gate to sit on a bicycle seat. Airbus put together a patent, yes, an actual patent, with the hope of offering an economy cabin where everyone sits on a narrow bicycle seat. Let’s hope there’s no turbulence…

Boeing Business Dorm Room

Ok, ok that’s not their working title, but it might as well be. Boeing patented what I consider to be the worst business class ever designed, while simultaneously creating the greatest seating plan for an economy class cabin. Essentially, there’s no personal space, but everyone can lay down flat. 

It’s an exciting time in the flying world and it’s safe to say that the fancy seats will get fancier, and the economy seats may well turn into bicycles. Next thing you know they’ll be asking you to peddle to power the engines. There’s a thought…

Any other contenders!?

As Always, Get In Touch:

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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