Watching The Holiday next to Jude Law, awkward.

Bells will be ringing as the jet bridge pulls away and your long haul wide body sleigh sets off between London and places all around the world. There’s no feeling quite like traveling home for the holidays and there’s no reason to delay the excitement. After all, we assume you’re traveling in a tragically ironic holiday sweater, so why not go all out with tears, laughter and love of great holiday classics on the plane? British Airways, in an attempt for ultimate holiday dominance has loaded 40 holiday films into its in-flight entertainment, so rather than worrying about passing time, you’ll need to focus on some serious prioritization.

Absolute Holiday Classics

Who doesn’t love The Holiday? But with Home Alone 2, Elf, Miracle On 34th Street and up to 40 holiday choices they may need to have the plane circle for a bit to fit it all in. British Airways has gone all out this year, even coining the phrase “Enter-sleigh-ment” for their “Festive Season” in flight additions. You’re going to need more time on board…

How It Works

Simply switch on your in-flight entertainment and head to the “Festive Cheer” category. You’ll find enough TV episodes, songs and holiday movies to keep you going for days, let alone a flight. In addition to feel good entertainment classics, British Airways will also be serving “Christmas Dinner” on flights in the days leading up to December 25th. For all non Brits, it’s basically like a Thanksgiving meal in America. *Some* might say it’s overrated, and may prefer sticking with a good curry option.

Travel During The Holidays

Be kind, be patient and spread as much cheer as possible during holiday travel. Many crew and airport staff won’t be home to spend the holidays with their families  to ensure you’l be able to spend yours holiday with yours. Before you go bonkers, think about the good holiday spirit. And yes, it’s totally acceptable to watch “The Holiday” in first class, even if Cameron Diaz is seated next to you…

Featured image courtesy of New Line Cinema.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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1 Comment

  1. This assumes you enjoy watching classics like Love Actually on a 25year old screen smaller than the average smartphone in 2018 AND that the IFE is working. In my recent experience this is unlikely on British Airways as maintenance costs money. Ok though, things do go wrong however with Best Avoided, any form of apology or compensation is denied for the Beyond Abysmal experience on a 13hour flight with no functional IFE and inadequate refreshments .

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