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Excuse me, I’m turning left…

Short haul, or long haul? Sure, it’s cheesy but travel really is the gift that keeps on giving. There’s nothing better than looking back at trip photos, reminiscing about the places you’ve explored, the food you’ve sampled and the sunsets you’ve witnessed with your own eyes. There’s a small club of people who also can’t help but mention the journey to get there, especially when it involves airport lounges, champagne, nice hotels and business class. British Airways Luxury Sale is your invitation to join the club, and with deals starting at £239 – you might want to…

The Luxury Deals

Luxury just has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? British Airways Luxury Sale offers both short and long haul deals, with hotels included. In these sales, it may legitimately be cheaper to book flights and hotel in one package than to book flights or hotel alone! It’s “a thing”. The key component here is finding a travel buddy. These luxury sale deals are based upon two people traveling and sharing a hotel room, so if you can find someone you wouldn’t mind spending a night with (wink, wink) you can take advantage of incredible rates. These deals include at least two nights of hotels, business class flights and the airport conveniences that come with them. Here are the best deals, like…

Short Haul Deals

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Europe, this is the time. Winter brings fewer selfie stick tourists, and it’s always nicer to layer up than sweat like a pig! These deals can be customized for stays of 2 or 3 nights, or more, playing with the holiday tool. Hot tip: some of these prices will be even lower if you need just two nights! You’ll get the hang of it. Oh, and side tip: Madrid has a once daily flight on a long haul plane, which means you can enjoy flat beds instead of short haul business!…

Long Haul Deals

Business class is great any time, but it really comes into full swing on long haul flights. Flat beds transform long haul trips and make it easier to explore, even if you perhaps enjoy a few glasses of champagne. No judgement here. In many cases, these flight + hotel deals are lower than the cost of booking flights alone, which makes them worth jumping on. 747 Upper Deck, anyone?…

Hot Booking Tips

Everyone loves a hot tip, and these prices are real. The best way to find them is to simply click the place you want to go, and then use the easy British Airways calendar platform. Crazy right, British Airways made something easy?! Rather than enter specific dates, let the calendar take you automatically to the best prices, and from there, you can adjust by month. You can see which dates in each month offer the lowest prices and try to plans accordingly to take advantage. Make sure there’s some champagne left for the next person!

Where are you going?

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. Remember BAs version of Business class on flights upto 5hrs is 29″seat pitch and a miniscule plate of “food” with the unadulterated luxury of a drink that’s not charged for…
    Longhaul the lottery for bedbugs is free to enter and your chances of winning are higher than on pretty much any other airline.. Plus you get the privilege of paying extra to sit with the person you booked with and if you have the temerity to want to bring hold luggage with you on your “luxury” break that’s chargeable too!

  2. John beat me to it…..sorry but BA ain’t my favourite airline, their money grabbing makes Ryanair look good! Was so peed off at being charged another £400 just to book a seat in business that we cancelled the whole thing! Give me any ME airline or even AF/KLM over BA any day, once you’ve paid you’ve paid, seat choices are free…..as it should be

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