Does the card in your wallet offer 5x points on almost everything you buy for the next three months? It just might! Chase Freedom is one of the best no annual fee credit cards on the planet, which offers a rotating list of 5x points for every purchase. Every three months the 5x categories change, creating new opportunities to maximize points. This coming quarter beginning April 1st you’ll find grocery stores, which are great – but you’ll also find PayPal, which unlocks 5x on just about everything!

5x PayPal

If they take PayPal, 5x it is! Almost every airline, online shop and even many in person shops take PayPal. By making PayPal a 5x category, you can earn 5x points on airfare purchases, hotels, latte’s and more for the next three months. For a no annual fee card, that’s a ridiculously good rate of return on your spending! Just make your Chase Freedom card your primary payment source for PayPal for all purchases starting April 1st. Simple!

And 5x Groceries

Every human shares three common needs: the need to breath, the need to eat and the need to drink water. For two out of those three, you can also earn 5x back through June, with the exception of Walmart. All other grocery stores will apply! This is an easy opportunity to find yet more use for the Chase Freedom card during this quarter.

Register Now

Registering for your 5x points is essential. It’s free – right here. Don’t forget, even though the Freedom is a cash back card, if you have a Chase Sapphire Preferred or Reserve, you can move the Freedom points into points from either of those, making them instantly more valuable or allowing you to transfer them to an airline or hotel. Free flight or hotel anyone?

No Fee, No Brainer

The Chase Freedom card carries no annual fee and the 5x categories are free too. We get nothing for suggesting credit cards, but personally carry this card for this exact purpose. You are eligible to receive 5x back on the first $1500 in purchases, making for 7,500 potential bonus points. That’s enough for a free one way flight in the US and almost anywhere else in the world.

Are you maximizing your Chase Freedom points?


Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. $1500 is nowhere near what MOST people can spend in 3 months. I can easily spend 4x that so the previous commenters are correct. Your post is just clicbait, which is par the course for BA bloggers it seems. Like hyping the crappy IHG card.

  2. I don’t mean to pile on but this is click baity(is that a word??). I enjoy your blog but $1500 over 3 months to this community is chump change. Many will max out by many by April 2.

    1. And to add clarity. I don’t write for a community. I write for anyone hoping to travel better regardless of income. You may be able to push k after k through credit card spend, but I hear a lot more often from readers who struggle to spend $750 a month who would seriously benefit from this. Not an attack, just a clarifying stance comment. And again, you don’t just come here to piss on my parade, so I’m all ears for a more suitable title.

  3. You dont even have the decency to say it only starts on April 1st. What if a person signs up an goes out and MS’s or purchases stuff they could have on 4/1 but did so on 3/29

    To borrow your own word , Just another fuckwit blogger who only cares about themselves and their own pocket

    Simple title not misleading, Chase Freedom earn up to 7500 (5x) pts bet 4/1 and 6/30 on special bonus catagorys

    You will delete this as well dont expect anything more from a fuckwit

    1. You’re doing an incredible job lining my pocket, so I don’t even need to bother! Your title does not hit the mark sadly. Sounds more like the fine print of a legal document than a piece of media coverage. Leave it to those who do this for a living. And categories is not spelled “catagorys”. Perhaps if you spent less time manufactured spending you’d know of such things. Fail.

  4. I really enjoy your blog and the information, I’ve been following you since the blog was started and it’s very well written. However, I don’t appreciate the language in the comments. Please don’t lower yourself to the trolls level. You are better than that. Keep up the great posts!

  5. I understand the need for travel bloggers to capture attention in a very crowded world. No worries. But Boarding Area is usually read by avid, relatively affluent travelers. Not always, but usually.
    Anyway, I(among others) come over here multiple times daily to check for new posts to maximize my/our strategies.
    When I saw the headline I jumped on it. You got me. No big deal.
    However, reading thru it was quickly apparent that this was simply the Chase Freedom quarterly post. Most know the boundaries. 5X on subject categories..MAXED at $1500 spend.
    Not sure how to exactly reword the byline but that’s’ not my job either.
    Either way, haters are everywhere. Your blog, your rules. Just not sure the term “fuckwit” is necessary but I might borrow it.

    1. Haha can’t tell you how much I appreciate where you’re coming from here. It’s a genuine challenge. Some stuff only “plays” within the major frequent traveler world, such as posting $2000 first class tickets. To most people it’s insane, even if it’s cheaper than usual. Other stuff, maybe doesn’t play at all on BoardingArea, or the crowd you mention – but has incredible mass appeal. Maximizing both has been hugely influential in our growth. My most read piece in history was about kids luggage. Sad, but true. One of the others, How to get the best economy seats. It’s a tough market and I never want to disgruntle anyone.

      As to my favorite insult, it’s highly addictive. Rolls of the tongue with beautiful ease and seems to capture the essence I’m attempting to get across more often than not. Sorry I “got ya” this time without giving you what you were hoping. NEVER, ever my intention. I want both always.

  6. Thanks for the great posts and information. I agree with some others to ignore the trolls. Don’t let them get under your skin. You challenged them to come up with a better title and they can’t do it. Enough said.

    Keep up the great work.

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