Everybody travels at some point. Even if it’s just a nearby city. And one thing is for certain: everyone does it differently. There is no “one size fits all” for just about anything travel related. In fact, most travelers drive each other crazy. Super organized, laid back, digital, analog – everyone has a method, so we’ve done our best to classify them. What type of traveler are you? 

The Planner

You like to book your holiday as much in advance as possible. Airlines only allowing flight bookings 350 day advance is just not far enough, and quite possibly your greatest angst. And once flights are confirmed, nothing else can wait. The hotel, the tours, the airport car park, the hotel taxi ride, dinner reservations – nothing gets missed. Your next travel step: hoping nothing has gone out of business in the 11 months before you travel. But hey, if it keeps you satisfied, relaxed and buzzing with excitement, why not?

The Last Minute

You enjoy the rush. There’s something inherently exciting about having nothing booked and seeing where spontaneous, last minute deals might take you. And if in the rare case you do have flights booked already, everything else can wait. You book your accommodation on the plane, tours once you’re there – and taking local currency out before you arrive? Yeah – no chance. But you have traveled like this many times before.. and as a self proclaimed pro, somehow, everything always works out just fine!

The Everywhere The Same

You’re all about All Inclusive, giant resorts – knocking everything out in one purchase. And why not? Taking care of all the logistics in one purchase? Guaranteed food you know, drinks you know and massive pools? Sold. You love arriving at your destination and not leaving the hotel until the last possible minute to head for the airport. Wherever you go, the sun is shining, the drinks are strong, the resort is gorgeous, staff take great care of you, there are about 15 restaurants, and shops? Yeah. They’re on site. 

The Endless Complainer

“It’s too hot, the drinks are overpriced, the food is always rubbish”. The thought of going on holiday sounds quite exciting, getting away for a few days, maybe a spot of sunshine or some culture – but once you’re there your very best fine dining critic comes out. All of a sudden, your love of experiencing new destinations turns to a desire to nitpick. You’ve got your blacklight flashlight for hotels, your temperature gauge for airline meals and in the end, you seem to do a lot of complaining. Perhaps you’d be happier at home watching others travel?

The Deal Grabber

A bit like the last minute personality, you decide to go somewhere when you see a good deal. More power to you. There are more deals around than ever before. Cheap flight deals, half off hotel stays, 3rd night free, book now and save £70 – you’re a sucker for a deal, and why not – it’s all about the Benjamin’s (that’s American for $100 bills), baby! A great deal makes the holiday feel a whole lot more exciting, it’s spontaneous, and for you, that’s a good thing.

The Worrier

No matter how much you have planned, you still wake up in a sweat that you have missed your flight or it’ll go wrong. See: great travel apps. You like to turn up at the airport with hours to spare, you’ve packed and repacked, you panic about going through security – just incase you left a coin in your pocket, you have printouts of everything. You’ve even pre booked everything, and travel with local currency. As long as it keeps you with piece of mind and the holiday goes smoothly, it’s all worth it in the end, I guess?

The Return Traveler

You go on holiday, have the best time ever, and then choose to return to that same place for 90% of the rest of your holidays, forever. We get it – it’s comfortable, safe and makes you happy. All good. We’ve all been to particular parts of the world we love, and would happily return to. If this sounds like you, just consider this: the world is a big, big place with lots to discover, and there just may be a place you’ll love even more. 

Have we missed you? Let us know your personality type?

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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