As part of our British Airways First Class trip, we checked out the airlines very best lounge. Want to have the best possible airport experience? Fly First Class from your favorite airline’s home base. At London Heathrow Terminal 5, behind a £1,000,000 door, sits British Airways flagship airport offering, The Concorde Room. Here’s a 360° tour. Make yourself at home!

The Seating Areas

There are plenty of plush seating options inside the “room”, but a quick step out onto the Concorde Terrace offers a view down to the terminal as well as an incredible vantage point of the tarmac to watch planes arrive and depart.

Concorde Room Terrace #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

The open air on the terrace is a welcome feeling in a stuffy airport and surprisingly, the noise is minimal. There’s also waiter service on the terrace (as with everywhere in the lounge) ensuring you can eat and drink to your heart’s content.

Speaking of plush, there are plenty of “plush” comfortable couch, chair and fireplace area to unwind indoors. The entire room features this quintessential classic British decor with low lighting, earthy tones and a wide ranging offering of seats…

Concorde Room Seating #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

For peace and quiet, you’ll do best in these seating areas away from the bar. There’s no “rowdy” section of the Concorde Room (unless the England team is there), but these seats are amongst the best for reading and relaxing.

The Bar

For those NOT reading or relaxing, or perhaps multi tasking with a drink, there’s the bar. I can’t say there are many other places on earth where Laurent Perrier Grand Siecle and Johnny Walker Blue flow without question. Anything you want is available and of course, it’s all free.

Concorde Room Bar #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

Seriously impressive “complimentary” wine selection. I say complimentary in quotes because the only way to get in to this lounge is to fly First Class or fly about 200,000 miles a year on British Airways, picking up a coveted “Concorde Room” card…

The Dining Room

One perk many frequent travelers commonly rave about is the ability to eat a full meal in the lounge before the flight. This not only allows you to grab some extra sleep on short flights, but avoid some common jet lag shortcomings.

Concorde Room Dining #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

In the Concorde Dining area you’ll find attentive waiter service, a wide ranging menu, with everything from a salad, to a chicken curry, to a steak and just about everything in between and many other conveniences. Of course you can also have anything from the bar. It’s certainly nice to have a “restaurant” experience in an airport…

The Private Cabanas

Those “in the know”, know to book the Concorde Room’s private cabanas. If you’re coming off a connection, need a shower, or just need a place to sleep for a while, the cabanas offer private en suite shower, restroom, spacious couch, desk area and television. You can also order off the lounge menu and drink menu and a friendly waiter will bring you your bounty.

Concorde Room Cabana #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

It’s hard to accurately put laying down in a private room in an airport into perspective, but this does a fairly good job. The Concorde Room is an amazing place to unwind before a flight, offering everything from private rest rooms to a chandelier covered bar. I probably still give the edge to the Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse, but if you’re flying British Airways, you’ve got nothing to be sad about, this place is spectacular…

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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