Gone are the days of waiting weeks for film to develop for photos that get tucked into a drawer. Nope, these are the days where we get to make everyone instantly jealous with dreamy travel snaps taken in real time. Instagram geo tags have become an amazing way of identifying trending destinations and attractions, and for your viewing pleasure, there’s now a master list of all the places you should’ve been in 2016 and may want to consider in 2017. Any guesses for the most Instagrammed city in the world of 2016? You can always just follow us if you can’t make it there yourself.

10. Jakarta, Indonesia

Whether on the way to Bali or just heading for some chill time in an amazing city with one of the greatest exchange rates, Jakarta was a place to be in 2016 and certainly will be in 2017 again too…

9. Istanbul, Turkey

Despite a very sad year for Istanbul, demand to visit the iconic city never faltered, and on that note, neither did their Instagram worthy palaces, towers or mosques as evidenced by this top ten win!

8. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

If there’s any place on earth worth of using a #sunset, it’s definitely Rio. Hosting an Olympics certainly doesn’t hurt tourism and it’s no surprise that the beautiful city (a personal favorite) was a top ten tagger once again…

7. St. Petersburg, Russia

Does Russian hacking include Instagram posts? Though it’s not easy for many to get visa’s into the stalwart of Eastern Europe the city saw another year of booming visitors judging by two of their cities making the worldwide top ten!

6. Los Angeles, California, USA

Hollywood, vanity and Instagram have so very much in common, and therefore it’s no surprise to see la la land making their way into the final six of the most snapped cities. Just make sure you add #famous #selfie to all photos too.

5. Paris, France

Paris holds such a place in so many hearts and any Instagram profile worth a like simply isn’t complete without a picture of the Eiffel Tower. The city remains one of the best spots to visit with no shortage of belle views to filter.

4. Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo is quite literally and figuratively a gigantic urban jungle filled with intrigue and culture. It’s an essential stop on any South American tour and with some stunning rooftop views it’s no surprise to see #saopaulorooftop on the list.

3. Moscow, Russia

Renaissance Russian Slavic architecture is a thing of true marvel. Where else can you find incredible temples and palaces which look like the perfect ice cream sundae? Despite the temp, Russia was so hot on Instagram this year.

2. London, United Kingdom

Are you even surprised? London is one of the greatest cities, period. Boasting everything from quaint streets to booming views like the London Eye and Big Ben, not to mention Premier League, this is one snap happy city…

1. New York City, New York, USA

New York is not a one Instagram snap city. Where do you even start? Yankee Stadium, Empire State Building, 30 Rock, One World Trade… the overwhelmingly “wow” photos are endless. Once again, NYC is the #1 Instagram place to be.

Any Surprises NOT On The List?

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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