I have a fundamental distrust for marketing and a strong curiosity towards anything flight. Before flying the Dreamliner, I felt a similarity towards my views of the iPhone 6 prior to purchase. Sure, they say it has all sorts of fancy bells and whistles, but will anyone notice? Beneath the shiny paint job is there true innovation? While my iPhone took a little bit of adjustment, the Dreamliner was an instantly stunning experience. As for AeroMexico, after a coach flight home on one of their ageing 737’s, I don’t know how they would survive without it. 

Regardless of airline or cabin class, there is true innovation to be had for all aboard this aircraft. It’s got that new plane “swag”. There was an instantly noticeable positive difference in air quality and pressure, and despite my best efforts to drink too much wine, I felt very fresh. As much as I love the sound of someone shouting with headphones in their ears, the noise reduction made for a far more civilized and tranquil experience. If there was one “crowd pleaser”, it was the extra large, dimmable windows. I quickly became “one of those people” who just couldn’t help but dim and un-dim (click for video) the window with the button. Wax on Wax off (Karate Kid). Ok, lets look at photos…

As I would imagine with any Dreamliner, this AeroMexico cabin was very fresh and very clean (Outkast reference). The Business (Salon Premier) cabin was configured six across in 2x2x2. Though you won’t be able to fidget with the window dimmer, I highly suggest anyone travelling alone grab a central seat. They are the only two configuration where you have direct aisle access without the possibility of someone needing to climb over, and what better way to ruin a nice nap than having a stranger straddle you in an attempt to get out. The seats themselves were super. No complaints. I loved the memory foam feeling in the upright position and found ample room for my large frame and good cubby space for my feet when in full flat mode. We found the in flight entertainment to be pretty state of the art and convenient and loved the touch screen remote, which you can see laura toying with in the photo above. Food and wine? As we were in business, it was all free, all good and I have no complaints, though it’s hard to top the pre flight wine in the Air France Lounge at JFK.

In my opinion, the Dreamliner is simply a better passenger experience to antiquated aircraft serving most fleets. Personally, I will seek out the aircraft on any possible future travels, regardless of cabin class. I have very high hopes for the Dreamliner’s direct competitor, the Airbus A350, which promises to offer similar enhancements. The bottom line is that most planes are old, smell old, feel terrible and make me feel that I’ve chosen wine over water, even when I haven’t. I can’t wait to see where the future of aviation takes it. Despite AeroMexico’s crew being akin to ghosts, you know those things you can’t see, talk to or receive a drink from, their Dreamliner was stunning. 

As Always Contact Us: godsavethepoints@gmail.com

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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