
Dubai is now in a phased reopening, which includes welcoming returning residents back as of June 22nd, 2020. But in the following weeks, that’s when the big things are happening, at least for potential visitors. Dubai will welcome visitors from virtually all countries back, starting July 7th, but not without logical safety measures, some of which may be a slight hassle.

Dubai Travel: When, Who And How…

Permanent residents can now return to Dubai, and citizens and residents can begin outbound travel from Dubai from June 23rd, according to a directive from the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management. For those hoping to visit Dubai, either for a longer trip or for a short transit stay in between flights, the city will reopen to visitors from July 7th, 2020. Most restaurants are already open, and laying by the pool is never sad.

With Emirates already reopening routes to 40 cities, and more than 30 countries, there’s plenty of opportunity.

As of the time of writing, there are no inbound or outbound country restrictions in place, but Dubai’s committee has created measures which aim to protect visitors and residents equally, via demands for travel insurance, a negative test result, temperature checks on arrival and a contact tracing app. Here’s how it’ll work.

From July 7th, 2020, visitors to Dubai must produce…

  • A negative covid-19 PCR test taken with 96 hours of departure, or
  • Agree to testing on arrival at Dubai International Airport (DXB).
  • Valid medical travel insurance covering international travel.
  • Report any symptoms to health authorities, download Covid-19 DXB app.

So What Happens If You Test Positive?

Anyone who tests positive for covid-19 or displays symptoms will be forced into 14 days of isolation upon arrival in Dubai, either at home for those who have one, or at an “institutional facility” at the travelers own expense.

Of course, receiving a result prior to departure would greatly aid your chances in avoiding this sort of travel uncertainty, assuming you don’t develop a temperature or present symptoms on arrival. If you were to test positive before departure, you’d theoretically just isolate at home, and explore cancellation options, rather than find yourself isolated for 14 days in a foreign country.

What’s It Like In Dubai, Is It Worth Traveling Right Now?

Most restaurants, hotels and other facilities in Dubai have reopened, and as a place with amazing outdoor activities from the desert to the beach, there’s plenty of socially distanced ways to enjoy yourself. Dubai is still adhering to 2m distance rules, and specifically states tourists must adhere to these measures in airports and in the city.

Time Out has a great master list of which restaurants and bars have reopened, and the good news is that most have, with greater spacing between tables. Even full drink service is back and kicking, albeit only for table service with no bar service. In other words, you can order whatever you like from a fully licensed place, you just can’t stand around at the bar aimlessly, you’ll have to do so from a table at least 2m separate from others.

With great availability at the stunning Al Maha Resort, outdoors in the desert sounds pretty good right now.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. Can anyone advise how you go about getting a PCR test in the UK to allow entry into Dubai as we would be interested in holidaying there over the summer? Many thanks.

  2. Hi Jodie we are booked to travel in September and as far as we have researched the test is only available privately at a cost of £125 which is quite a lot for a family of 4 ,have heard most NHS will do the test but no certificate given.

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