Photo of Emirates a380 flying

If Emirates sent Hollywood a script with their plans for the last 10 days, it would’ve been written off as a tad too dramatic. A shocking twist cancelling all flights indefinitely, a 180 degree turn just hours later and then a shutdown of all UAE aviation and immigration, not just Emirates. Now, just over a week later, the airline is back in the skies, and with a fantastic new ad as well…

Emirates Returns To Skies

After a brief shutdown of all UAE aviation, with the exception of cargo flights, Emirates is back in the skies. As of April 6th, 2020, the airline has resumed flying to select European destinations including: Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Paris and Zurich.

Flights will initially be limited to outbound passenger traffic only, repatriating travels eligible for entry into each country. The flights will return to the UAE empty up top, but full of cargo and vital supplies to keep trade routes running.

HRH Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, who presides as Chairman and CEO of Emirates and head of the UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority proclaimed…

“We hope to resume full flight operations as soon as possible, but recognize the challenges many cities face in dealing with the COVID 19 outbreak. Our route network can only be restored by easing travel restrictions.

We are in close contact with all authorities to get the latest information. We are working intensively with the authorities to restart our flight operations, keeping an eye on the safety and well-being of our crew and our passengers at every step.”

Emirates Uplifting Ad Soars

Over the weekend, Emirates dropped a new ad campaign. They may be the only travel brand to do so for quite a while, but it’s simply brilliant and aspirational at the same time. The 1 min ad respectfully reflects on the unprecedented times being faced around the globe, and how one day it will all be words and stories. Eventually, we’ll all return to the skies. I can’t wait…

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. Yay because we’re stranded in New Zealand and Capital One blocked our credit card even though we gave them our passports as proof!

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