Of all the novelties and folly found in flying business or first class, two take the cake. One: a bar on a plane. Two: a shower at 39,000 feet. Both of these concepts are absolutely ridiculous. Not only do you have a bed on the plane, but you have a spacious cocktail bar to relax mid flight, and if you’re in first class, you can shower and change for your cocktail outing mid flight too. Emirates has a good deal on business class right now, and if you have points, you can make it even sweeter, by upgrading to first class for the full A380 experience…

The Flight Deal

The A380 may be flying for years to come, but it’s days are numbered. No further orders have been placed and Airbus declared the project dead this last Valentines Day. Before the plane does retire, there are a few bucket list things to do, like flying first class on the upper deck, sipping champagne at the business class bar, and one that may never be duplicated again: showering on the plane.
Emirates has €1650 business class fares from Milan to New York JFK round trip, which give you circa 16 round trip hours of flight to tick off a few great thrills. If you have Emirates Skyward Miles, Amex Points, Capital One Venture Miles or Chase Ultimate Rewards, just 39,000 points will land Emirates first class one way, bringing shower on a plane, Dom Perignon and all the extra-extras.
The Dates You Can Travel
To lock in the rock bottom lowest prices, you’ll need to travel between now and December 17th, 2019. With that said, there are fares within €150 through most of 2020, all the way up to May. Not only that but the fares in 2020 generally fall into a category which makes upgrades need only 30,000 miles each way.
The lowest prices require a minimum stay in New York of at least 4 days, but that’s pretty much it. Stay longer, stay a month, it’s all good. A one week trip tends to always bring the lowest prices, and there’s plenty to do in NYC to keep you busy…
How To Book These Deals
Emirates business class is super nice, but first class is just outrageous. This is a great price for a really nice business class experience, but the taste of first on the day flight from Milan to New York for 39,000 miles is too much to pass up. Just make sure you can walk and vaguely answer questions when you get to immigration at JFK, they’re not known for their sense of humour there. You can always shower to refresh yourself, after all…
These flight deals can and should be booked directly with Emirates at Emirates.com. By booking direct, you ensure the easiest process to upgrade and or make changes if needed. Simply follow the date info above, plug your search in and look for €1650 round trip business class fares. Here’s how to have a perfect trip to NYC, once you’re there. Don’t forget that you can book a chopper ride into the city as low as $125 either. Not a bad way to top it all off…
Hello Gilbert,
I remark that this last few years, things are changing. Before to catch the market, Qatar, Etihad or Emirates sold business seats at a lower price than majors European companies. Now you find always cheaper price from BA ou LH and group trades with similar products. If I compare actual deals, BA is 40% less expensive than Emirates for Europe to NY flight in business class.
For this reason I don’t think that this is a good deal to choose this offer. Except if you like the “bling bling” effect with gold and wood everywhere in the plane. I think that BA improvement for the last two years is incredible. I will maybe go back to use this company in the future.
Does 777 have the same amenities as a380?
You must be very young a bar in the sky is not a novelty all Pan Am Jumbos had them in the 70’s, they. occupied the whole upper deck and were a great place to chill out and meet fellow passengers some of whom only returned to their seats for landing.
Of course this ignores the fantastic bars and dining rooms of the airships and some of the amazing seaplanes of the early part of the 20th century.
as a self styled travel writer who claims to be “curious and one of the world’s leading travel experts” (whatever that means) you display a breathtaking ignorance of the history of aviation.
hmm tough crowd – obviously Emirates arent the only airline to have a bar in the sky, but its still a novelty to experience one for a lot of people, it would certainly be a novelty for myself to experience a shower in the sky…