Greetings from Melbourne, Australia. In just about an hour, an epic journey crossing both oceans begins. To reach London for the holidays, we’re taking an absolutely ludicrous route. The result features more than 30 hours of flying in a 40 hour span. Yes – 30+ hours of actual flight time.

Believe us when we say this wasn’t intentional. A myriad of opportunities using points and great deals presented themselves, and we made the most of them. But at the time – the concept of 30 hours of flying didn’t quite set in. We’ll depart Australia, head to Asia, to the West Coast of the U.S and then on to Europe without leaving the airport. And no – we’re not those kind of travelers. We don’t live to be at the airport, we live for destinations. But on this go around, expect some great reviews of new cabins as we focus more on Star Alliance airlines.

Is it even safe, health wise? We’ll let you know. It’s an incredible amount of time to be in artificial pressure environments. Fortunately, it will all be in business or first class, thanks to the magic of points and great limited time deals – but even with comfort – there are degrees of insanity. We must say, it’s exciting to cross both the multiple oceans in one trip. South Pacific, North Pacific and Atlantic.

Over the next day or two, thing may be quiet on here – so in advance of the holidays, let us take the time to say a very warm and Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Kwanza and all other celebrations. We hope you’re not on a plane, and if you are – be sure to be courteous to those taking care of you. They’d rather be home too. In 30 hours, we definitely will too. Thanks in advance to Qantas, ANA, Delta and British Airways for getting us home safely – and on time.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. Take me with you!!! Believe it or not I love the thrill of the journey just as much if not a bit more than the destination sometimes.

    Have safe flights and don’t forget to stare out the window for a bit and take a few breaths of relaxation

  2. “Greetings from Melbourne, Australia”
    Welcome to Melbourne – “worlds most liveable city” last 7 years running
    but …
    you show a picture of the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the map shows you departing from Sydney ??

  3. Dear Laura and Gibbie,

    Safe travels. We have sure missed you but loved the pics. Your Christmas presents should be arriving in Hereford about the same time you do.

    Much love, M

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