God Save The Points grew 200% in 2018 and the only word for that is THANKS.

It’s all thanks to you. Well, assuming you’re one of the people that read the articles, chat on Twitter, enjoy the our crass humor on Instagram and leave positive comments to help people travel better in the comments section. For all of you, it’s truly a pleasure.

In 2018, people forget the impact of a single gesture. Sharing an article is like a tree, and every time you share a deal, a great tip for visiting a beautiful place or anything like that, you open up our world. In exchange, we’ll always try to open up yours.

Looking outside the door, the year was a very interesting one in travel blogging. One brand has attempted to buy every tool (features, not people) in the business, while silencing individual blog voices by buying them, or hiring less qualified people to simply mimic their style of content. It’s flattering, but it’s contra to what makes blogging so wonderful. There are many voices out there, and it’s ok to choose the ones you love and mute some, but turning them all off by attempting to hurt them financially or put them under a corporately minded (bank owned) tent will bring less revelatory information and coop, more sponsored content (from banks) and ruin this interesting community. To the good eggs trapped there out of paycheck need, I respect your need.

Chances are, most of the big scoops or deals you enjoyed this year came from an independent voice, and was then regurgitated…

Bloggers won’t always get along, but few people appreciate how much mutual respect revolves around the really good ones. We’re never going to become nightly cocktail gossip buddies with Head For Points, but we respect their mission and definitive style and enjoy their company when we do link up. We have similar endless respect for small team blogs which work daily to deliver the best content, like View From The Wing, Thrifty Traveler, One Mile At A Time, FrequentMiler, The Gate, No Mas Coach, Monkey Miles, Travel With Massi, Live And Let’s Fly, Mestre Das Milhas, and all the hard working bloggers on Boarding Area, and their own respective corners.

We will not be backing down in 2019.

We’re taking the end of the year in casual stride, resting up after an exciting year, but it’s only to expand on our mission in 2019. That mission, by the way, has never been put down on paper or legal document, because it’s too simple. That mission is to simply help people travel better, in any way possible. By the way, family travel is coming to GSTP in 2019, so rest is more important than ever at the moment.

Our wishes for the year have been wildly exceeded, so don’t be surprised if it’s a little quiet (on some days) here until January 1st. But come then, be ready to rock. We’ll offer more content than ever, covering more topics than ever and other than that nothing will change. You will only hear from experts, like people who know that there is no Uber in Bangkok, or that not all business class seats have beds. It’s what you’re here for isn’t it? If we’re not more helpful to you in 2019 than we’ve ever been, it’ll be a failure we can’t live with. The only way to know is to turn up…

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. You are one of my favorite bloggers and one of the reasons I went to a conference to hear you speak. Enjoyed meeting you there. You are an original thinker with excellent writing skills. I wish you continued success. Thank you!

  2. I’m an avid reader and follower – have learned so much in preparation for my points trip of a lifetime in 2020. Plus I am the points travel guru at work thanks to you! Lol!

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