Right now, travel is but a dream, but that still doesn’t mean it can’t play an impact on your life. That’s a lot of butts to start an article, but it’s true. Travel is not just transportation, it’s a lifestyle and there are many things which transcend home life and life on the go.

Looking around my home, I realized that travel is everywhere, so I thought I’d share a few things that go with me everywhere or stay with me always, that I’m enjoying every single day…

Amenity Kits & Hotel Toiletries

Not that we have any guests right now, but I love giving each guest an airline amenity kit, or using hotel toiletries in the bathroom. I have a collection, as I’m sure many readers do, and it’s fun to leave them on a bedside table full of goodies, or to have guests laugh themselves out of the shower when they realize they’re basically staying in a hotel, all the way down to the mini product bottles.

Even without guests, it’s never a bad time to crack into some “free” skincare or hair products, or at least a comb – particularly if you’re one of the millions who discovered Zoom this week.

Filling The House With Destinations

Before any of this set in, we went on an odd quest to put destinations all over the house. I took old travel photos, did a bit of editing and found one of the many companies which converts photos into big art prints, canvases or even coffee mugs.

Because you almost assuredly have photos you’ve taken on your phone, you don’t need to leave the house to order art for your walls that transport you to a destination.

We now have Hong Kong and Bali on the staircase, Tokyo and a retro airport print in our room, an original 1960’s BOAC poster in the guest room, Los Angeles in the kitchen, and so much more. Taking a step into a room and having that inspiration means a lot right now.

Last week, we introduced a new GSTP initiative where we showcase amazing aviation and travel inspired art. The response was amazing and some has already sold out, so look out for the next print to drop in the next few weeks…

Using The Good Stuff

One of my favorite pastimes in travel throughout the years has been picking up little things here and there which I deem special enough to make me check a bag or carry extra weight.

One of my very favorite purchases was a set of Japanese hand blown glass cocktail glasses, from Supermama in Singapore. For my daily “why not, the world is ending” G&T, I’ve been reaching for the good glassware, just because it makes me think of Singapore, every time.

Similar sentiment is beginning to hit my wine collection, where I’m reliving the world’s great terroirs by imbibing, rather than seeing or standing on them. At some point, it may become more expensive than actually visiting these places, if this continues.

Using Video To Connect With Friends Around The World

Just as a quick PSA, Zoom is not the only thing in the world that allows you to video with other people. It’s great, I use it for work, but relax on that ish’. You can use WhatsApp, Skype, Google Meet and hundreds of other free services to connect with friends and family around the globe, and this is the time to.

There’s nothing better than having a friend pop the phone up the window to show you an old hangout, or a ventilation duct, depending on the friend. We’re all coming to terms with #socialdistancing, but that doesn’t mean falling out of touch with the people and places that make the world magical.

Literally Spice Up Your Food

Italy tonight, India tomorrow? Food exploration in travel is one of life’s great pleasures and even social distancing and #stayhome can’t keep them from us. The next time you queue up for your local supermarket or food provider, think about grabbing some spices or ingredients to reproduce a fave dish from your travels.

I made some tandoori spiced potatoes with raita last night, and my life was instantly happier. Today, it’s Tuscan cooking with some lovely rustic vegetables and fresh pasta. Andiamo! Don’t let your travel dreams fall by the wayside, there’s so much travel joy to uncover at home.

Ever think of learning a language? That’s a good idea too.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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