Holy technology, this is pretty cool. Facebook Messenger is becoming far more than a way for strangers to try to meet you on the internet, it’s becoming a one stop tool for bringing your travel needs right to you, no effort required. KLM is the first airline to adopt Facebook Messenger, bringing check in notifications, boarding pasess, flight updates, and even seat changes directly to your finger tips. They even use emoji’s! 

How It Starts

After making a booking on KLM.com, you are given the option of integrating Messenger into your reservation. If you say yes, the app will get in touch with you to remind you of everything you need, and handle your journey needs, even changes.

Check In

When the Check In window opens, the app will send you a friendly reminder, right at the 24 hour mark, letting you know that check in is open, allowing you to check in right from the Messenger app. When you’re done you’ll get a nice clear confirmation.

Boarding Pass

The app will let you know when your boarding pass is ready, putting you one click away from viewing at any point, even automatically offering to add it to your phones passbook, for mobile boarding pass usage. Brilliant.

Flight Delays, Issues, Cancellations

When travel issues pop up, time is of the essence. As soon as a delay, gate change, cancellation or anything occurs, you’ll get a message from the airline in Messenger, letting you know the up to the minute details, new gate or new estimated time of departure and/or arrival.

Changing Seats Or Flights

I ***** hate calling airlines. The app allows you to make most requests directly from your phone, without having to speak to a soul. Want to change seats? Just say “can I switch to seat X” and the app will respond promptly, usually with a successful result. Need to change flights, same thing. 

Bottom Line

This is an amazing, perfect example of why travel is really improving, despite popular opinion. Every day there are new innovations to seamlessly bring you through every stage of travel, without having to so much as pull something out of your pocket, minus your phone of course. Way to go Facebook, way to go KLM. Who’s next?!

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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