Frank Abignale Jr made his way around the world forging Pan-Am checks and impersonating pilots, but a travel agent managed to rake in 42 million Delta Skymiles without moving an inch. There’s just one problem: authorities allege that he did so fraudulently. Here’s the incredible story of Gennady Podolski, the man who took advantage of a great way you should be earning miles, but did it in a way which took things perhaps too far…
We all know that you can earn frequent flyer miles whenever you fly, and that you should have a loyalty program for each airline alliance. Doing so allows you to earn miles into one pot when flying with all the airline partners. In the case of Delta, having just one Skymiles account would allow you to earn Delta miles while flying on Air France, KLM, Virgin Atlantic, Aeromexico and many more. So far, so good…
Authorities allege that Gennady Podolski, who ironically is a fairly well known travel advisor, set up a Delta SkyBonus account for business travel, which allows a business to earn additional miles on top of the miles their travellers would earn. That would be totally fine for his own business, but he set it up for a fertility clinic, of which he was not a part. Furthermore, whenever a customer would book travel through Podolski in his role as a travel agent, he’d enter the fertility clinic’s SkyBonus loyalty program number.
The clients wouldn’t care because they’d still get their personal frequent flyer miles, and unless they really scrutinised the booking, they’d never even notice that a SkyBonus number had been entered, or know what it was if they did. As one can imagine, a travel agent books thousands upon thousands of airline tickets, and it’s presumed that-that’s how Delta eventually got the idea that something wasn’t right. How did a small time “fertility clinic” have thousands of employees constantly traversing the globe?
Charges have been filed for fraud, given that Mr. Podolski did not work at the fertility clinic, and that it likely had no idea he had set up a SkyBonus account for them – and of course, none of his customers had a clue or connection about a fertility clinic either. Yikes.
If there’s a takeaway here, it’s that those who do have their own businesses, however large or small, should double up their frequent flyer miles by signing up for business loyalty accounts, in addition to their personal frequent flyer accounts. Here’s a link to Delta’s, American’s, United’s, Virgin Atlantic’s and British Airways. But if you do, you really can’t abuse them with fake employees, especially if they number in the thousands…
Delta valuing their miles at over 4 cents per mile?
Delta says 42mm skypesos equals $1.75mm USD bwhahahahahah (4-4.5cents per mile) bwhahahaha
Haha no argument with your joke here

What shocked me more was how Delta valued 42 million skymiles to $1.75 million! Lol jk. I thought it would be worth more around $500k.
+1. The guy’s lawyer should be able to shred the amount of the claim, although it’s still fraud.
I don’t know much about Skybonus but AA Business Extraa program is very similar to Skybonus in concept but its points are not valued the same way as frequent flyer miles. e.g. 2000 points can get you a free domestic economy ticket so it is indeed worth a lot more the FF miles.
I’m sooooooper confused here. Basically this guy had several clients spend millions of dollars on flights and then had the miles go into one central kiddie as opposed to everyone else. Who cares?!
Sky bonus points are completely different from skymiles. A domestic coach ticket is 85k. And international coach ticket is 150k. A business class ticked is very significantly more.
Stole? Seems like they were legitimately earned and then just put into a different account. Am I missing something here?