The joys of Cinco de Mayo, and subsequent excuses to drink tequila whilst eating tacos all day on lockdown are here, but the privilege of travel is not, for most around the globe. For those hoping to visit Cancun, or Playa Del Carmen, it may not be long though.

As a country which thrives on tourism, and is presently without visitors, hard times are everywhere in Mexico, particularly in places like Cancun and Quintana Roo. It may not be in time for Cinco De Mayo, but Mexican authorities have announced plans to reopen key tourist destinations beginning June 1st.

The plans are ambitious without a doubt, but for now, they’re going ahead, according to El Universal.

To draw visitors back, the country has launched some amusing, if not utterly heartwarming videos, for key visiting countries including Australia and Canada. The videos share the message that staying home is the right thing to do right now, but that cultural similarities are uncanny, and the country can’t wait to have visitors back.

Trust me, you just have to watch to understand. Let’s start with Australia…

A group of over 150 hoteliers in Cancun and Playa Del Carmen have bonded together to create 2 for 1 packages for anyone coming into town from June 1st, with buy two get four night stay offers and more. Thus far, Aeromexico, Air Canada, Air Europa, Copa, Delta and Southwest have signed on to reopen flight routes.

But back to the heartwarming amusement, the love for Australia may only be outdone by Mexico’s video for Canada, starting with respect for poutine…

A June 1st date to international tourism puts Mexico among the most ambitious countries to restart the economy, but it’s not slowing demand. Early reports suggest a flurry of bookings. The big news from Mexico comes as ministers across Europe begin to announce their own soft dates for a return of international travel.

After a few more days in lockdown, and a bottle of tequila to celebrate this historic day of Cinco De Mayo in Mexican history, it might not hurt to start planning some travel to this delicious, sunny slice of heaven, perhaps just not on June 1st.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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