Every traveler knows that a short walk through the airport doesn’t exist and no one on earth enjoys walking through an airplane door with a head full of sweat. As airports get larger and connection times disappear, it’s become clear that there’s only one way to make it to the gate with wind swept hair instead of sweat dripped face; and that’s on a motorized carry on…

Starting in January, Modobag, a crowdfunded luggage start up will release it’s motorized carry on bag which will allow owners to ride through the airport instead of walk. There’s no news as to airport speed limits yet, or drunk driving restrictions, but we’re told this marvel is clocking in a solid 6-8MPH after an hour’s charge, which will be more than enough to get you from curbside to gate. While you’re doing your best Formula One impersonation around the leisure travelers, the bag will simultaneously keep your phone juiced up off of it’s charge.

After seeing it for yourself, it’s abundantly clear now that this is the somewhat twisted future of travel right in front of us. God forbid getting a bit of exercise before a long haul flight entirely spent consuming microwave meals and alcohol. If you’d like to get in on the fun and save yourself some burnt calories, you can pick up the bag through it’s preorder price of $995 and expect it in the new year. Just watch out for the drunk drivers coming off those long flights…

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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