The idea of a free private jet ride instantly puts people off. It’ sounds too good to be true- but it’s not. We’ve proven that not once, but twice now. If you hold top tier frequent flyer status with a European Airline (or potentially others), one private jet company is interested in giving you a free test ride. All you need to do is email them…

The Free Ride Offer

Surf Air is a subscription based private “shared” charter company, which allows flyers to jet around on an unlimited basis for £3150 per month on routes between London, Zurich and Ibiza, with plans to add Munich, Milan and Luxembourg. They also have West Coast USA flights starting up. They’re offering a free one way test flight to anyone holding top tier status with a European Airline, though I’m told there could be some wiggle room on the European part, if a compelling reason exists.

Take Advantage

First off, big thanks to Doug Gollan at Private Jet Card Comparisons for tipping us off to this awesome opportunity. Flying private is seriously fun, even if others happen to be on board. The time saved by showing up at the flight time combined with the hassle free immigration and views out the front of the cockpit window are pretty tough to beat. Simply email proof of your top tier status: like British Airways Gold, Virgin Atlantic Gold, Lufthansa HON Circle, Air France Platinum and so forth. If you don’t have European status, explain why you’d benefit from the offer.
Seal The Deal
Email with proof of your frequent flyer status and a subject line along the lines of “test flight offer”. This could likely include a digital membership card, or a frequent flyer account statement. Though not required, it’s always nice to explain why this offer interests you on a longer term basis. They are after all offering up a free private jet ride. It’s the least you can do.
Are you planning to take advantage? Which route would you fly?
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