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How much is a click worth to you?

You see a great deal post, you get super excited, you go to book and then… womp, womp. You can’t find the deal. You listened to the tips perfectly, you went to the right date range, but when you look at the calendar of prices- all you see is terrible prices. If you’ve found yourself in this boat, there’s one thing you’re doing wrong, and it’s easy to fix.

You Need To Click Through…

That’s right. You really did do everything right, you just forgot one step. Google Flights, like many search sites doesn’t just automatically pop up the best prices. You need to do an actual search to kick it into gear and find the real “green” prices. So when you go to April and see all greyed out prices, nowhere near what you were told you could find- that’s why. You need to actually click a date, click another date and let it search. Green dots will magically appear, highlighting deals.

It’s Amazing What Happens…

When you actually make Google Flights conduct a search, which by the way, you can do from up to five possible departure and five destination cities simultaneously, to get the best prices- you also get the real prices. The results can be shocking. Just today, in searching for the amazing Qatar Airways business class 20th anniversary sale fares, there was a $2000 per person price drop, just by clicking and completing the search. Sometimes the correct prices will already be loaded, other times the only way to know is to press plug in dates and make that final click.

Bottom Line: Don’t Give Up On Deals Too Soon

Searching millions of possible deals and prices can’t be easy work, so we’ve gotta be a little patient when it comes to searching. Even when you do make that extra click to force the Google Flights system to really search, you should still wait until the very end. Quite often, the last deal spit out will be the cheapest- and it may take quite a bit for it to come out. If you follow these tips for using Google Flights and these tricks for saving on plane tickets– you’ll be jet setting in no time.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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