They’re watching you! No, but seriously, they are. Is that a bad thing? A brand new five star hotel, The Prince Gallery just opened up in Tokyo and before booking, it was naturally time for some research. Aside from stunning pictures and an attractive description, a Google search of accidentally returned a company PDF, which (naturally) details how the hotel plans to spy on guests, in a good way of course….

As with any brand spanking new hotel, especially one in tech centric Tokyo, The Prince Gallery, a Starwood Luxury Collection property, is full of new tricks and toys of the hotel industry. Every room features an iPad to control everything from lights to blinds to temperature, even room service orders and staff needs. Everything is just a touch or tap away. Additionally, all those annoyingly complicated calls trying to figure out which department to speak for concierge or house keeping needs to are going away.

The hotel will use a single point of contact “e-service” system allowing you to use your tablet or phone and speak to one person who will handle all requests in a single action. It’s what the hotel plans to do with those clicks, taps and swipes which sparks the attention; and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s way beyond a pre stay guest “Google”, which many hotels do by the way.

Aside from basic temperature preferences and data from the blinds, which hint at your exhibitionist room quirks (kidding), the hotel staff in all facilities (think bars, restaurants and gyms) will seamlessly transmit and share data (and gossip) from department to department to analyze guest needs preferences and background. In fact, they’ll use artificial intelligence to compile the data and populate insights and ideas to enhance stays (and happiness) on an individual basis.

Using this constant flow of information ranging from what you drink in the bar to what you order for breakfast and when you like to sleep, the hotel will then use a human line of contact in its “Proposal Based Services” department to make offers and recommendations to enhance your stay, maybe even sending a complimentary cocktail from your bar history up after your big meeting to say congrats. One cool element of this data driven madness is that on a return visit to this hotel, the room will also automatically set to your preferences, climate and other pertinent comforts before you even get out of the elevator. It knows you…

Is this the future of personalized service and exceptional treatment, or is this a terrifying data driven society where the bartender hands me my favorite drink (a “Casino” by the way, my dear Tokyo hotel) before I even step up to the bar? Until mid September, I can’t know for sure, but if you ask me, this is a very cool step towards feeling at home, even when you’re having your “Lost in Translation” moment, somewhere far away from home.

If you’re interested, HERE’s a link to the actual PDF.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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