Planning for a long day at the beach, or on a boat often involves lugging a huge cooler around. Assuming you’re saving room for beer (or rose) in said cooler, or would rather hang out without one, wouldn’t it be cool if you could fill up on clean drinking water whenever you like, with something not much larger than a bottle of water itself? It turns out, you soon can, and it’s not even that expensive.

QuenchSea looks like a funky water bottle, and is basically any travelers ticket to clean drinking water from the sea, and other water sources, which you can easily refill. The device removes salts, plastics, virus and bacteria and using activated charcoal, is said to deliver mineral water taste. It’s got all sorts of legit science inside, like desalinization, reverse osmosis and other things we all nod along and pretend to understand.

Just watch the video…

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The new travel product exploded onto the scene by shattering IndieGogo funding goals by 3x, and is now available for pre-order, for orders to be shipped in early 2021. You care, because it’s much cheaper for the first 30 days of IndieGogo orders than it will be again (under $60), and it’s a rather cool piece of travel gear. How much water? You can get more than a liter (aka nearly two pints) in an hour.

Unlike most IndieGogo preorders, QuenchSea guarantees on time delivery, or money back. Furthermore, when you buy one, the company donates one to areas where water is a crisis. Yes, it’s buy one, someone in need gets one. The device doesn’t use batteries and But the big question – which is the big question – is how does it taste? There’s a video for that too…

Is this a bit niche? Sure, maybe. But for anyone going to the beach for a day, or a long walk like the Bondi Beach to Coogee walk everyone must do at least once in a lifetime, this sort of thing could come in handy. Plus, if you never have to buy bottled water, or use plastics again, that’s got some benefit as well. And if you ever end up like Tom Hanks in Cast Away, you’ll be extra glad….

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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