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Curbside in five minutes?…

How much is your time worth to you? Have you ever calculated a “what I’m worth per minute” figure? Whatever that number is – you probably feel it would be worth double to avoid waiting in the snaking immigration queues faced upon landing in the United States. Global Entry is the single fastest way into the US, zipping members off the plane and through customs generally in five minutes or less. For a limited time, UK Citizens and other eligible applicants can now apply and conduct all interviews in London, making enrollment easier than ever.

Global Entry

Sure, the online application is a bit tedious – but once you’re done, U.S. immigration with Global Entry is an absolute breeze – every time. Less than five minutes through US immigration? It’s a thing! You’ll have five years of unlimited access for just $100, bypassing agents in favor of speedy, automated machines. Almost every major international airport features Global Entry, making it a no brainer for frequent travelers. At $100 for five years, a person coming to the US judt once a year would pay only $20 per visit, to save at least an hour of their time. Do it twice a year, $10 – and on and on.

London Enrollment

The US Embassy in London (the new one in Vauxhall) is offering enrollment and interviews for a limited time. Generally, you can only receive an interview in the USA, but for a limited time – the service is coming to UK travelers. The office is open and will remain open up until May 3rd. You must pay a £42 fee to get a UK pre screening. Afterwards you’ll receive an access code to apply online for $100 and can schedule your in person interview to get finger printed and pass final checks.

Getting Started

Start by heading to this website. You’ll be directed to the UK Government website for pre screening Global Entry applicants. Next, head here. Once you’ve passed that vetting you’ll receive a unique access code to apply for Global Entry online. It’s a clunky process, but definitely worth it. You can then schedule a final interview at the US Embassy in London and complete your Global Entry enrollment. After one trip, you’ll realize the service is worth far more than you paid. You’ll just have to trust us on that one!

Will you apply for Global Entry, with this added convenience?

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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