The Pinnacle List

Isn’t it just so exciting when a close friend, loved one or family member is venturing to one of your favorite places? First thought: so many great places to go. Second thought: wait, I can’t quite remember where, or what the name is… darn. Google Maps has a gem of a feature, which goes largely untold and it’s the very best way to share your favorite things to do in a city…

Step One: Create A New “My Places” List…

Open up Google Maps and tap the top menu to bring up the screen below…

Once you’ve tapped “My Places” you’ll find the screen below, go to “Saved” where you can tap the “+” sign to add a new “My Places” list, such as “Best NYC restaurant recommendations”…

If you have all the places in mind, you can just press the “+” button on your new list to keep adding places. If you don’t, or you’re on the go, we’ll cover a way to add places as you move around below…

Step Two: Add Places To The Custom “My Places” List…

Find a place on a map and tap it, even while you’re walking around. A screen similar to the one below will pop up. Next, tap the name of the location again. A screen with additional options will pop up…

In the additional options (below), you’ll find the “Save” button, where you can save the location to a specific list you’ve created, or make a new one. Repeat over and over, until your list is complete…

Step Three: Share With Anyone Instantly!

Perhaps the coolest feature here, is that you can share the entire list, and map! with anyone-instantly. Simply select the share icon (second from right) and you can send anyone a link with all the places, reviews, maps and directions of how to get there! We started a list of our favorite NYC bars and restaurants for this post, so we’ll share it with you right here to see first hand. Enjoy!

Thanks to the nice guys behind for showing me this cool trick a while back!

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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