It’s everyones worst nightmare. It’s the stuff that keeps us up at night photo documenting our luggage contents. A baggage handler at world renowned Singapore Changi International Airport was tired of helping reconnect passengers with their luggage- so he went on a rogue mission to displace as many bags as possible.

Tay Boon Keh, clearly fed up with his work as a baggage sub contractor, decided last year to begin swapping luggage tags from bag to bag. As you may have guessed- that’s not good. It’s believed, according to the Straits Times– that Mr. Keh began with a single piece of luggage bound for Malaysia. From there, his criminal activities expanded to hundreds of bags bound for London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Perth, Manila and many other destinations. Shockingly, Mr. Keh was able to keep up this activity for a jaw dropping three months, displacing Singapore, Lufthansa and Silkair bags every single day. Could be it be in the thousands? Certainly.

This is precisely why travelers in the know pay for airline tickets with credit cards providing delay coverage up to $500. Tay Boon Keh was allegedly able to keep up his mastermind tag swapping activities for months, actively displacing bags, sending travelers into peril. No details have been made public regarding where many of these bags ended up, nor has a motive been determined. But we can likely venture a guess or two…

HT: StraitsTimes

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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