We live in a time of constantly evolving science, with more knowledge being discovered than ever before. But sometimes it’s the rebels that have all the answers. Who needs science when you can become a “wellbeing” expert and publish a book which allows you to eat and drink all you want on the plane, whenever you want- and still avoid jet lag. The cure: Just sink your feet in the earth?

We’re not saying Dave Asprey is a liar- we just don’t entirely believe him, or Gwyneth Paltrow- who swears by this. Mr. Asprey, a self proclaimed “wellness” guru claims in his new book, which we have chosen not to plug; that the key to jet lag is walking around barefoot. Yes- he thinks it’s that simple. Don’t worry about adjusting sleep patterns, avoiding dark liquor or heavy ingredients on the plane, or any of that nonsense- just chill out in the grass for at least 25 minutes. Other than things like broken bottles, there’s no harm- but we think jet lag is a cruel, far more complicated beast. Apparently, we’re wrong.

“When you go up in an airplane, you build up a static charge in your body that slows the mitochondrial function. In other words, the battery in your body doesn’t hold a charge as well because you were disconnected from the earth.” – Mr. Asprey

The theoretical science behind these claims is that flying disconnects our bodies from the earth’s negative charge and we just can’t “recharge” without it. To readjust after flying, we must take our shoes off and walk around in the mud, grass or sand. The book notes that for those in the many areas where none of these are available, you can purchase a “grounding mat” for the ripe price of $40. In our actual jet lag tips, from years and years of flying around the world constantly, we do agree that exercise and fresh air is crucial, but it’s just part of a much bigger equation.

Featured image courtesy of Air New Zealand.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. It is risible but I am sure he’ll still make a tidy profit out of both the book and the upgraded yoga mat that he’s peddling – a fool and their money and all that…

  2. Although “earthing” or “grounding” does have therapeutic benefits, many factors involved. Circulation and flooding cells with oxygen will do wonders provided you have also kept well hydrated.

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