Europe is open for travel, but only for some, and only in some places. The, who, when and where are changing by the day, making long term travel planning more difficult than ever, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth the effort.

For now, travel within Europe is mostly restricted to travelers coming from EU member states, Schengen Area countries, the UK, and a small number of outside countries approved for entry to Europe, like Canada. For those who do make the trip, empty cities, beaches, hotels and restaurants bring some of the most unique opportunities seen in travel in decades.

Here’s the latest on each country’s current border status, and what future plans may bring. There are lots of options open, and many without any quarantine requirements on arrival.

Some International Visitors Allowed

Europe reopened to international visitors July 1st, and the situation regarding which outside countries can enter will be updated every two weeks. American are officially left out of visitor plans to Europe, for now, but residents of 10 countries may enter.

Initially, the only countries eligible to enter the European Union from outside include: Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Rwanda, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay.

Here’s a country by country list (below) on what the current, and planned state of reopening involves for major European travel hubs, and a few exceptions where other countries like the USA may still visit…


Austria is open to most of Europe, but has not fully opened to those coming from the outside. This means even those from countries on the EU approved list, like Australia or Canada cannot enter directly from one of these countries, and must arrive from an intra-European flight.

Austria dropped the requirement to produce a recent negative covid-19 test result, or be subject to one on arrival on June 16th for arrivals from most European countries, though if you originate from outside of Europe, you’ll need a negative covid-19 result.

For Europeans arriving from inside the EU, Currently, a test is only needed if you plan to visit Austria from Spain, including the Canaries, and Croatia. If you’re arriving from another European country, including the UK you can enter without restriction.

Austria has a fantastic resource for checking up to date information, as it appears.


Belgium is open to most European travelers, but will require a health declaration card at least 48 hours before arrival. If you’ve been to a regularly updated list of countries within Europe though, you’ll also need a negative covid-19 result to visit, or may be barred from entering.

Currently, the list includes parts of France, Spain, Croatia and more. Belgium also offers a regularly updated page with information on entry requirements.


Bulgaria is open to travelers from 58 countries without quarantine, or the need to produce a recent negative covid-19 test.

Nationals coming from outside countries, including Israel, can visit once again, but only with a recent negative covid-19 test, taken within 72 hours of entering the country, aka reaching the border.

Sea Walls – part of Dubrovnik military defences – defend the city from sea-based attacks.


Croatia is more open than virtually any other European country, and even Americans can visit. EU and UK travelers may enter and flights have largely resumed. Family of EU and UK visitors are also eligible for entry.

If you are planning to enter Croatia from outside the UK or EU, you’ll need a negative covid-19 test taken within 48 hours of arrival in Croatia, otherwise you’ll be denied entry.


Cyprus is breaking things down into barred, permitted with a covid-19 test, and good to go. The list is constantly updated, and currently visitors from France, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro are currently ineligible.

Travelers from the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and a variety of others may enter with a covid-19 test, and those entering from Germany, Hungary, Slovenia and Norway are not required to test at all. You can learn more at the Cyprus Flight Pass website.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has a resource for visitors hoping to take in the delights of Prague or any other areas this summer, which breaks them down into groups of green, yellow or red.

Travelers originating from “green” and yellow areas areas may enter without testing, whereas those from red countries must present a recent negative covid-19 test. As of right now: Romania and Spain are red, and a list of green countries, including the UK, with no entry restrictions can be found on the Czech Tourism website.


After being one of the last to reopen to visitors, Denmark is now largely open to European visitors, with a few exceptions spelled out on their yellow means go, orange means cannot enter for tourism chart. This means you can still visit from an orange country, but only for essential travel.

Currently, Andorra, Belgium, Croatia, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Malta, San Marino and Spain are ineligible for tourism, but the list is subject to change. For everyone else in Europe, things are open without quarantine or testing.

Tallinn, Estonia old city skyline.


Estonia is open to many visitors, and is rapidly expanding its digital nomad visa program, in an aim to bring in visitors from all over the world, during the slowdown in travel.

If you’re coming from an area deemed to have a high rate of infection by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you’ll need to self isolate for two weeks.


Finland is operating a stop light system, where countries are green, yellow or red. Red is a no go, yellow means visitors can only enter for specific reasons, such as business or studies, and green means previous entry as usual.

Countries including the UK, France, Spain and others are still restricted from entering Finland for tourism, while Germany, Austria and other nations can enter again for leisure.


France is open to tourists from other EU countries and has been since June 15th, with a few caveats. The country notes that travelers from the UK or Spain will be ‘asked’ to voluntarily quarantine, until restrictions against French visitors to either country are dropped.

With cafes, restaurants and most things open, it could be a great time to visit.

France has pointed to outside travel for those from beyond Europe, possibly being allowed from late September onward, but remarks from President Macron suggest the timeline could be as late as 2021 for some countries outside the EU.


Germany is mostly open for travel once again. Leisure travel without a mandatory covid-19 test or quarantine is now allowed for travelers originating from within the European Union, UK, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein. Germany advises its citizens not to travel outside of the EU until at least August 31st.

If however you’re arriving from parts of Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, or Belgium, you may need to quarantine, based on current advice.


Greece is open, and after just returning, the experience is fantastic. Visitors must fill out a PLF form, but arrivals from most European countries will not need to provide a negative covid-19 test. Currently, only arrivals from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Malta, Romania, Spain and Sweden and North Macedonia must present a negative covid-19 test to be allowed on a flight.

Some arrivals will be subject to random testing on arrival, but would not be asked to quarantine for more than 24 hours, if chosen. You can read up on all the latest details, including which countries outside the EU will be eligible here.


Hungary just reversed course, barring most visitors from entry by placing almost all of Europe on its “red list”. Currently, only the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia are exempt, but visitors must still present a negative covid-19 test taken within 5 days of arrival.

IATA’s interactive guide offers the most up to date information.


Iceland opened on June 15th to a wide variety of visitors including European Union, UK and third country national, but has since tightened up restrictions. All visitors will be subjected to a covid-19 test on arrival, and will require a second test 4-5 days later to end their quarantine.

Testing for entry into Iceland costs 9000ISK – about $65 – if booked in advance, and is mandatory. Tests from other countries aren’t currently accepted. Before entry, all visitors must also fill out an entry form. Although Americans were to be included in plans, they are still excluded.


Ireland is operating a green list, listing a few eligible countries which won’t be required to self isolate upon arrival into the country. For countries not on the list, 14 days of self mandated isolation is required, and fines of up to €2500 can be levied to rule breakers.

Wherever you originate from, you’ll need to fill out a passenger locator form at least 48 hours before arrival. Technically, this does mean arrivals from outside of Europe are possible.


Italy has relaxed requirements for entry, with a variety of countries both inside and out of Europe already welcome to visit once again. The only catch, is that if you’ve been to, or transited through a variety of countries, you’ll be expected to self isolate for 14 days, and or provide a negative covid-19 test.

Currently, anyone who’s been in: Croatia, Greece, Malta, Spain, Romania or Bulgaria in the last 14 days must provide a negative covid-19 test for entry, or take one within 48 hours of arrival.

Additionally, anyone who’s been in Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic is barred for 14 days until the time of last entry into one of these countries.

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are employing virtually identical border policies, which allow for travel from most EEA member states and the UK.

Lithuania and Latvia just greatly reduced the number of countries eligible for entry without major restriction including 14 days of isolation, placing most of the European continent on respective “red lists”.


Malta has reopened to most European visitors, and also those on the EU’s list of 10 countries from where travel is once again allowed.

Most visitors can enter Malta without a negative covid-19 test, but arrivals from Czech Republic, most of Spain, Romania and Tunisia will need to present a negative test, or take one on arrival.


The Netherlands has reopened to most European visitors and third country nationals outlined in the EU’s 10 country approved list.

The Dutch Government is breaking visitors down into orange or yellow, and those coming from yellow countries do not need to quarantine, and may enjoy travel much as it was before.


Norway is taking an extremely cautious approach to travel from abroad, even within the European Union. Most arrivals to Norway, with just a few noted exceptions are required to spend 10 days in quarantine upon arrival. Basically, only Scandinavia, Hungary and Slovakia are spared, at this point in time.

If you’re coming from further abroad, you’re all but assured to be on the red list, mandating 10 days of quarantine, for now and the near future.


Portugal is open, and after months on the UK Quarantine List, has finally been removed. Visitors from Europe, their immediate families as well as those from the 10 countries approved for travel from outside of Europe may enter without any covid-19 testing requirement.

For travel to the Azores or Madeira, a covid-19 test may be required, and full information can be found here.


Poland opened to visitors traveling from Europe on June 13th, with no major entry restrictions. From June 16th, the country also welcomed international arrivals, though it’s unclear which international destinations outside of Europe will initially be served.

You can stay up to date on the latest information regarding Polish borders and entry exceptions here, on the official government resource.


Slovakia has opened to European visitors, but is taking things cautiously, with a regularly updated list of "low risk" countries, from which isolation won't be required. If someone has been outside the approved list in the last 14 days, they'll be subject to 10 days of quarantine.

The updated approved list can be found here, along with a slightly confusing website which may require a PhD to understand entry requirements.


Slovenia has been on a chart topping rise in popularity, thanks to swoon worthy areas like Lake Bled. The country has mostly reopened its borders for travel, and offers an excellent resource on keeping up to date with who's allowed in, condition free, and which travelers must self quarantine for 14 days.

You can access the Slovenian resource for covid-19 related entry here. If your country of entry isn't on the approved list, you'll need to isolate.


Spain is open for European travel. All other European Union, Schengen Area and UK visitors are welcomed without quarantine, which means holidays are on. The country notes health checks may be done at the border, but there's currently no quarantine requirement.

Before you'll be allowed to board a plane, you'll need to submit a health declaration form, which can be found here.


Sweden is accepting visitors from the UK, European Union and Switzerland, as well as the EU's list of 10 outside countries. No restrictions currently exist, and without ever going into lockdown, most shops, bars and restuarants remain open.

You can check the IATA Travel Centre to confirm any last minute entry questions.


Switzerland is already open to all visitors arriving from the EU, UK, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein, Canada and the other 9 outside countries approved for travel to Europe.

Depending which country you're traveling from you may need to quarantine, but Switzerland has a helpful FAQ about the many country exceptions where you won't need to quarantine at all and other considerations for entry.


Turkey has reopened to travelers as of June 12th, with the exception of Afghanistan. This is great news for anyone hoping to soak up some culture (and sun) this summer. Health screenings may be conducted on arrival.

This makes Turkey one of the few European area destinations accepting American visitors, and the tourist season has been a massive success thus far.

United Kingdom

The UK is operating a travel corridor system, where select countries aren't required to quarantine on arrival or return to the UK. The list changes weekly, and has featured many countries being added, or dropped as the situation changes.

You can view the latest information on which countries are eligible for quarantine free entry here, which offers additional information on "essential travel only" insurance woes.

Always cross reference information found on this page with resources such as, and IATA.

Countries without plans or significant tourism have been omitted. We'll update this page as information flows.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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