Ladies and Gentleman, this is your captain speaking, we’re now cruising at 1200 miles per hour, at an altitude of 65,000 feet. Every traveler loves the view out of their airplane window. Mountains, seas, sunsets, and clouds are wonderful, but seeing the curvature of the earth, from the edge of it’s atmosphere, while hurdling through the sky at mach 2, must have been an entirely different feeling. I’ve never flew Concorde, but I’ve done my best to simulate the experience, including menus, featuring some of the finest wines ever served in the air…

Check In + Lounge

There’s first class, and then there’s Concorde. Passengers of the unique experience received dedicated check in and access to the appropriately titled Concorde Room. On to the plane…

Cabin + Seat

Just incase you forget your surroundings, the bulkhead of the Concorde featured this display, letting you know just how much faster than the speed of sound you were going and how far from earth you were.

The Concorde was built for speed, not for comfort, and even though it was, and most likely will forever will be the most unique and incredible first class experience, the seats were more akin to modern day premium economy, or domestic business class. They made up for the seats in other ways, which you’ll soon see.

Photos aren’t always flattering, but there’s no denying that those seats were tight.

The best seat in the house was certainly the bulkheads, which featured these extended trays and extra leg room, a surprisingly necessary feature in this first class cabin.

Flying over 1,000 miles an hour at more than two times the circumference of the earth, vertically in the air, Concorde pilots were more like astronauts…

Food + Drink

I’ll guarantee you one thing, there’s never been, or will be, better booze served aboard an airplane. Not only did the Concorde have a daily selection of hand selected red, white and champagne, it also featured the Concorde Cellar, with all vintages listed here available at any time…

For a nice laugh, it’s worth Googling a few of these bottles for a price check….

The sommelier selection was so serious that you had an entire section for Bordeaux, and separely for Burgundy. There is nothing rivaling the oenophile bliss from the Concorde.

I’ll take a glass of each please, I’m more of a Burgundy than Bordeaux guy.

With such storied wines, you clearly need exemplary food to match. Accordingly, Michel Roux, the father of high end, modern French cooking, was responsible for many Concorde menu’s. Here’s a look at Air France Concorde menu’s from their around the world, recording breaking flight.

Of course British Airways (below), was no slouch either. Caviar anyone?

The Experience

I can’t say. I never experienced Concorde, but i’ve never heard anyone who has taken the flight ever shut up about it, once asked. It’s been 13 years since a flight flew from New York to London in under three hours and it will likely be a long time before it happens again. What a unique, albeit brief period in history. To the Concorde!

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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