Reed Murray is a workhorse of a drummer and a wonderful guy. I’ve known Reed for many years and looking back, it is very clear that he was always going to play in a great band, it was just a matter of time. From his professionalism and love of beating the hell out of drums Reed landed the gig as the drummer for cult smash rock band Say Anything and now travels the world with them on a weekly basis. Though GodSaveThePoints cannot officially endorse many of Reed’s Travel Tips & Stories, they are certainly worth a read. 

Best airport experience?

RM: Believe it or not, I always enjoy flying in and out of the Tyler, TX airport. We (Say Anything) rehearse there before every tour. It’s a very small airport, so I can almost always count on there being a very small line at check-in, a small line at the security check-point, and a small plane that you sometimes fear will be the last aircraft you’ll set foot in.

Any good celebrity spotting’s? 

RM: I have never spotted a celebrity in the airport or on a plane – only people who dress and act like celebrities.

Money matters to everyone but it seriously matters when you fly almost every week. Any tips for finding the cheapest ticket?

RM: In my opinion, Google Flights is the best way to access information on the cheapest flights available. I usually make sure to book my flight far in advance and not wait until the 11th hour as well.

Favorite venue?

RM: It’s hard for me to pick one in particular, but if I must, then I have to choose House of Blues in Orlando. I grew up seeing my favorite bands play there over the years, so to play there now in a headlining band is incredibly surreal for me and it is something I never take for granted. 

What’s your favorite airline?

RM: I really enjoyed flying Qantas airlines during our Australia tour last year. The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful, but more importantly, there was free wine.

Jet lag tips?

RM: Wine.

Top 3 favorite cities?

RM: First, I love Savannah, GA and I make a point to visit there once a year. The Historic District is beautiful and full of so much history. Also, there are some amazing places to eat, drink, and relax.

Second, I always enjoy visiting Seattle, WA, whether I’m there to play a show or on vacation. The city is full of amazing coffee, food, and beer, which is all I need in life.

Third, I love visiting New York City. I know that might be a cliche response, but it really is a fascinating city to me. I have family who live up in Long Island, so I grew up flying to New York and visiting Manhattan for the last two decades of my life. It doesn’t matter how many times I find myself there – I always stumble upon a new experience that causes me to fall in love with the city all over again.

If you could invent one innovation for traveling what would it be?

RM: Teleportation.

Whats your go to meal on the road?

RM: For the last few years, I have consistently eaten the same lunch: a turkey sandwich with Ezekiel Bread and provolone cheese. I eat that sandwich every day at home, work, and on the road. You can ask any of my friends, family, or anyone in the band. I love it and I never grow tired of it. There’s no need to deviate from perfection.

Worst flight?

RM: In recent memory, my worst flight occurred last October when myself and the rest of Say Anything were flying out to play some shows in Australia. I was flying from my home in Tampa, FL to Dallas, TX for a connecting flight to Sydney. Dallas is a large and busy airport, so I always run the risk of missing a flight or having my flight delayed. I knew this ahead of time, so I scheduled my flight to have a 5 hour layover in Dallas before meeting up with the rest of the band and flying to Sydney together. Sadly, 5 hours was not enough time, since my flight out of Tampa got delayed by several hours and I had to take the next flight out to Dallas, which was going to land 30 min before our Sydney flight was scheduled to depart. 

Deep down, I knew I was going to miss the flight to Australia, but I took all measures to try and make the flight: I reserved a seat as close to the front of the plane as possible, which was right behind First Class. When I landed in Dallas, I desperately asked the passengers in First Class if a Coach-dwelling peasant, like myself, could get in front of them in line. They kindly allowed me to exit the plane first, which is when I ran my ass off through the Dallas airport since I only had 10 min until the flight was scheduled to leave. It is a miracle I didn’t trample any one during this time. While I was running at a speed that could have rivaled Usain Bolt, I called our tour manager to have him do what he could to hold the plane. I finally arrived right on time at the gate with the plane still there, but they had just closed the gate and insisted they could not reopen it. After 30 minutes go by, the plane was still there, all because our tour manager did everything in his power to have the gate opened and let me on the plane. It all was in vein though, so I sadly was stuck in Dallas for an extra day while there was a supposed outbreak of Ebola there.

The next day, I encountered more delays from American Airlines, but I made my flight to Sydney. In the end, I enjoyed a 17 hour flight drinking all the red wine I could want while watching movies such as the Lego Movie. Before I knew it, I was in Australia, Ebola-free, and I made it just in time for our first show. So, although I had the trouble getting to Australia, it was at the same time the best flight experience I ever had and I’ll never forget it.

Best band you’ve opened for or had open?

RM: Before I started drumming for Say Anything, I was a drummer of another band called Tallhart. During my years with that band, we had the opportunity of opening shows on different occasions for artists I loved growing up, such as Colour Revolt, David Bazan, and As Cities Burn.

Who is the funniest guy you’ve toured with?

RM: The best thing about touring and being involved in music is that I constantly find myself surrounded by some of the funniest and most genuine people I’ve met in my life. If I have to pick someone off the top of my head, I will go with James Dewees of Reggie and the Full Effect and The Get Up Kids. We just did a tour with Reggie (as well as Saves the Day) and I never encountered James without laughing. He has a sense of humor that nobody can rival.

Reed enjoying his “end of tour” cigar in Los Angeles, CA.

If you asked me how rock bands traveled when I was 15 I would have probably told you that they all have gold plated private jets. As I’ve grown up its been fascinating to see first hand that though the performances are a rush, constant travel can be very trying and most of it, not at all glamorous. I think its important for fans of all sport and entertainment to appreciate just how rough a touring lifestyle can be. Though Reed’s tips may not follow some Advanced Travel Tips, they are nonetheless entertaining, as is Say Anything

And yes, Say Anything fans, Reed’s hair is for sale for a very reasonable price. please inquire. 

Questions for Reed? Want to suggest someone to Interview?

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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