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Now may not be an ideal time to travel, but like all things, that’ll pass. When it does, a New York state of mind is a wonderful place to be, and these premium economy flight deals get you round trip from the UK to NYC for less than most will pay for economy. Here’s how to get in on these fabulous deals for mid 2021 and beyond.

UK To NYC In Premium Economy

In previous years, the lowest prices you’d ever see Premium Economy from the UK were around £600, which makes these British Airways and Virgin deals absolutely phenomenal. The lowest prices are for flights from Inverness via London for £368, but direct London to NYC flights can still be had for £493 all in.

Paying under £500 to New York in economy isn’t bad for round trip, and premium not only brings a much more comfortable seat than economy, but a fantastic opportunity to upgrade to business class, using money or miles.

Fun fact – most airlines only allow you to upgrade one cabin, so premium puts you in the drivers seat for a business class upgrade. These flights would typically require 18-20,000 points one way, and surcharges around £120. Upgrading from Europe to the USA is generally cheaper in surcharges than the other way around.

Here’s a complete guide to upgrades on Virgin Atlantic, and on British Airways.

The Dates You Can Travel

These deals extend well into the year, when the USA is expected to be open, and when vaccinations should reopen borders and reduce health risks.

The deals from Inverness and London are valid from now thru March, and then in late April and all the way through May. The deals pick back up again on October 25th through the end of 2021.

How To Book These Flights

These London flights can be booked directly with Virgin or BA, while Inverness flights can be booked with BA, or your favorite online travel agency if you want to fly Virgin.

Obviously, all travel plans are subject to change at this point, but both airlines are offering fairly generous flexibility policies. Plus, it’s nice to have something to look forward to, right? New York is pretty exciting.

Simply go to VirginAtlantic.com, or BritishAirways.com and enter LHR or INV as your starting point, and NYC as your destination, following the date advice above. If flying from Inverness is easy enough to reach, £368 round trip to New York in Premium, or paying some miles and around £400 something with an upgrade to business is an amazing deal.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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1 Comment

  1. gosh this is a mega deal… shame the dates don’t quite stretch to xmas 2021.. but with BAs booking policies this is such a tempting deal for a summer getaway.

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